Friday, January 8, 2016

SQL in Financial Engineering (Optimize data handing in VBA/R/MATLAB)

SQL in Financial Engineering (Optimize data handing in VBA/R/MATLAB)

Please write 10 main points about the course.
1.      Sensitization to Data Analytics and trends. Requires no knowledge of programming or database.
2.      How to make queries your own setup of SQL Database and other scripts. Introduction to calling SQL from VBA, MATLAB and R
3.      Playing with missing data is the most important things and for that I will show five important commands. Missing data types: NaN, blank, 0 and how they are used.
4.      Contains right blend of learning and practice (Ratio 6:4). Highly flexible and tailored as per needs of individual based on his preferred choice of investment theme
5.      The more your reduce data before pulling the easier it would be do the computation. Utility functions for data cleaning, data ready for charting, avoiding looping, error handling will be explained.
6.      Essential Aggregate command, sub-TABLE, VIEWS and PIVOT. Exploring applications in Equity and CMBS (for linking all properties linked) Fixed Income Analytics.
7.      Optional: Introduction to Regression, clustering, Charting, Monte Carlo Simulation, Map Objects for Financial Modelling
8.      Optional Bonus: Essential SQL Queries – Linking SQL with Excel using VBA

Explain 3 main points on how this course will benefit the student?
1.      Getting ready for the next data revolution in Analytical SQL.
2.      Avoiding commands that will slow down SQL. Understand the basics of all major languages used for data handling in SQL, SAS and MATLAB.

3.       Understanding the importance of handling missing data, optimization of speed using novel methods.

Class Number
Introduction to SQL. Saving, organizing and reading simple data.
0.5 Hours
SQL applications in Equity, Fixed Income, Risk [with some reference to other tools like SAS, Excel, MATLAB]
0.5 Hours
What and what not to do in SQL. Loops, Logics, Datatypes. How to make data handling faster
0.5 Hours
SQL aiding in Quantitative computations: Making data ready for Quant Tech like Regression, Charts, Clustering & Monte Carlo Simulation in Python
0.5 Hours
Project on SQL: SQL for structured Data Analysis like Joins, nested queries
0.5 Hours
Inner, Outer, Cross Joins and Self Joins
0.5 Hours
Sorting Data: Filtering Data with a WHERE Clause. Filtering with the TOP and OFFSET-FETCH Options
0.5 Hours
Using Aggregate Functions like GROUP BY Clause, and HAVING
0.5 Hours
Using Set Operators, Writing Queries with the UNION Operator, Using EXCEPT and INTERSECT, and Using APPLY
0.5 Hours
Pivoting and Grouping Sets: Writing Queries with PIVOT and UNPIVOT and Working with Grouping Sets
0.5 Hours
Writing Queries with Built-In Functions and  Using Conversion Functions
Using Logical Functions and Using Functions to Work with NULL
0.5 Hours

Project on Big Data using Mongol DB Pipelining, Group by, Map reduce, brackets, inverted commas, etc

Project on Big Data using Mongol DB Pipelining, Group by, Map reduce, brackets, inverted commas, etc

Quant Methods like Regression, Charts, Clustering & Monte Carlo Simulation in Python

Quant Methods like Regression, Charts, Clustering & Monte Carlo Simulation in Python